
Variant Const

class VariantConst(value)

The constructor of a constant value method.


value (float) – The constant value.


v = gala.VariantConst(1.0)
# set the constant value.

Variant Linear

class VariantLinear

The constructor of a linearly varying value method.

setPoint(unsigned int timestep, double value)

specifies the value at the time step.


v = gala.VariantLinear()
v.setPoint(0, 1.0)
v.setPoint(100000, 2.0)
# set the value at the time step. The value at a time step
# varies by linear interpolation.

Variant Sin

class VariantSin

The constructor of a sinusoidal curve varying object.

setPoint(unsigned int timestep, double period, double ubd, double lbd)

Function: specifies the period, upper, and lower bounds at the time step.


v = gala.VariantSin()
v.setPoint(0, 1000, 1.0, -1.0)
v.setPoint(100000, 1000, 2.0, -2.0)
# set the parameters of sinusoid at the time step and the parameters
# at any time step can be gotten by linear interpolation.

Variant Well

class VariantWell

The constructor of a well curve varying object.

setPoint(unsigned int timestep, double period, double ubd, double lbd)

specifies the period, upper, and lower bounds at the time step.


v = gala.VariantWell()
v.setPoint(0, 1000, 1.0, -1.0)
v.setPoint(100000, 1000, 1.0, -1.0)
# set the parameters of periodic well at the time step and the parameters
# at any time step can be gotten by linear interpolation.